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Story Telling Festival
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The Story Tealling workshop helps you discover the magic of the stories within our daily lives.

Before starting the main activity, the participants will join an interactive storytelling workshop. Together, we will learn how to build an engaging story, how to connect with our audience and how to transmit strong emotions through the power of words. This workshop not only will prepare us for the main event, but will also bring us valuable skills in communication and presentation. We will be using the field of improvisation and acting skills in order to share as many storytelling tips and tricks as possible.

Înainte de începerea activității principale, participanții vor participa la un workshop interactiv de storytelling. Vom învăța cum să construim o poveste captivantă, cum să ne conectăm cu publicul și cum să transmitem emoții prin cuvinte. Acest workshop nu doar ne pregătește pentru evenimentul principal, ci ne oferă și abilități valoroase de comunicare și prezentare. Vom folosi zona improvizație și abilitățile de actorie pentru a vă împărtăși cât mai multe trucuri de storytelling. 

The story of personal objects

Each participant will be invited to bring a personal object loaded with personal attachment and will be invited to share a story related to the object. The story can be emotinal, inspirational or even funny - it's an opportunity to get to know each other a little better. Afterwards, each participant will receive an amount of fictional money, which will be used in an auction through which all the objects will be sold, getting the chance for the participants to share the objects and give them a new life and a new story. 

The festival set-up will be completed by several elements, engaging all senses - look, feel, taste.

Set-up de festival va fi întregit cu elemente interactive – look, feel, taste.