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Selling Race - Chase the day before the day outruns you!
News / Ideas

In a team-building program designed to foster both strong team bonds and the development of efficient sales skills, your colleagues will be divided into several teams. The primary objective is to maximize profits by honing the art of selling and effective negotiation, which includes making savvy purchasing decisions to generate the highest profit.

All activities will be guided by patient and attentive trainers, experts in the realms of sales and negotiation. They will closely support the teams at every stage of the challenge, providing valuable ideas and techniques to help each team gradually evolve in a practical, real-life setting.

Initially, the teams begin with a bag of objects, somewhat random in nature, which they must transform into money. This capital will aid them in acquiring the items listed in their target inventory, with the ultimate goal of ending up with all the specified objects and the maximum possible profit.

At the end of the day, the team with the highest total emerges as the contest winner. However, every participant gains practical skills that are readily applicable to their daily work activities.

You can find more details about this program here.