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Big Picture
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Everyone knows that, from time to time, it is important to take a step back to see the big picture, especially when you are looking at an organization. But sometimes we forget to do this, and it affects the result, especially the way in which we obtain it. We propose that you find out how to ”build” the habit of seeing the organization as a whole. You can notice more efficiently how the people inside it work and communicate, what the processes, customs and routines are.

At the beginning of the exercise, we split the participants into smaller teams. Each team oversees a certain segment in the painting, which will be part of the final artistic achievement. Equipped with brushes, paint and some basic information, the teams must work together to ensure that the lines meet and the colours match within the bigger composition.

The participants will soon realize that, in order to be successful, all the teams must cooperate. In short, they will form an overall picture to make sure that each piece of canvas integrates accordingly and that the result is a success. Once completed, the canvases are gathered from all the teams, framed and covered with a mysterious black curtain. 

The strength of the event is the opening day, where, after a discussion (debriefing), the work is shown to the participants for the first time, accompanied by music, the inevitable applause and standing ovations. The completed work of art can be displayed in the team’s office, to remind of the importance of working together.


The participants become aware of the importance of personal contribution to the end result; 

The team will be motivated to achieve a challenge that seems impossible; 

The way to communicate with one’s own team members, as well as with the other teams is developed and improved;

The team will be stimulated to be more united in making decisions.