One of the most beautiful memories is, for sure, the day when you received your first bike wrapped in red around the handlebar, on a Christmas day or a name’s day. Probably you spent all summer on a bike, outside with your friends.
But, for many poor families it is difficult to afford a bike. Although cycling helps to develop coordination and self-esteem and provides a great source of exercise, many kids did not have this childhood fun. To make those children happy, the participants will assemble bikes that later will be used in a race against time. At the end, these bikes will be donated to future beneficiaries - disadvantaged girls and boys from an orphanage.
For most it will be their first bike!
Develop initiative and proactivity;
Increase competitiveness and the spirit of self-improvement;
Mutual knowledge of the team members and improving communication between them;
Understanding of the member-team-performance relationship;
Increase self-confidence and motivation of the whole team