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Build a boat
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Participants, divided in teams and lead by facilitators, will construct boats that they will use to cross a river, pool or even set sail on the sea. The boats must be strong enough to get across a whole team, in the fastest and most reliable way.

In the first part of the day, the participants will have to successfully finalize a series of team exercises in order to receive the resources and the blueprints.

Each team will receive detailed plans and instructions about the building objectives. Using specific tools, the participants must build in a few hours what normally it is built in weeks or months – but of course, to a different dimension. 

Important: each team will have an own style, a team flag, a team motto to proudly shout when the challenge comes forth.


Realize the importance of personal contribution to the final result; 

Team motivation created by a challenge that seems impossible at first, but quickly unravels its possibilities; 

Development of the conditions for an efficient team communication, combined with the art of delegation; 

Product design and development agility to keep a step forward ahead of the competition;

Strengthened team spirit.