Sometimes, the destination doesn't matter as much as the journey and who you travel it with.
Let's go on a Team Building! But... Where?
You will have to start, alongside a few colleagues, from the original city and by completing several challenges, you will gradually learn more details about the final destination. Changing trains, subways, buses, and definitely experiences, you will ultimately arrive victoriously at the destination with your mind full of funny and memorable stories.
The activity spreads throughout the day. It starts in the morning, culminating in the evening, before dinner, at the final location. Of course, along the way, there will be organized points to provide participants with everything necessary to keep their energy and motivation at maximum levels.
The program exclusively ranges between points with available and frequent transport options. For example, the route Bucharest - Ploiești - Brașov - Final location in the area (e.g., Poiana Brașov).
Participants will depart, already divided into teams from the original city, where the company's location is situated. Interaction with the facilitators will either be done through the phone to transmit solutions and receive clues or physically, with facilitators placed at key-points.
• Local Stage: Passing through various challenges, they will discover various clues about the next stage and how to get there. The challenges will involve interaction with the environment, the people on the street, the facilitators, the tourist attractions, and the means of transportation.
• First Stop: Gathering all the clues, the participants will travel to the next city, where they must explore specific challenges. Of course, challenges will arise on the way between the cities as well.
• Second Stop: Overcoming the challenges of the previous stage and successfully reaching the new destination, the participants will complete several final challenges to discover the last location of the event.
Of course, we will reward the quickest teams. The slow-paced teams... We will penalize accordingly. There will be clues from the facilitators to "unblock" teams facing difficulties. No one will be left behind, with existing solutions available to save the trailing teams.