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Fort Boyard
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The objective is simple: conquer 'the Fort' by solving various mental and physical challenges, promoting teamwork and camaraderie. Interaction with charismatic characters adds an element of intrigue.

Time is limited, adding an extra layer of challenge. 'The Fort' keeps teams on edge, promoting a sense of urgency and encouraging quick decision-making. Success in one challenge opens the door to the next, creating a dynamic and engaging team-building experience!

'The Fort' is guarded by different charismatic and entertaining characters, each one with unique personalities and roles. Teams must interact with these characters and earn their trust and cooperation to gain access to valuable clues and resources.

Participants will have the chance to get to know their teammates better by identifying their "superpowers" and individual skills. Teams will create their identity by choosing a name and creating a flag and motto for the team.

Participants will go through various challenges. Each one solved brings them a key. At the end of the program, each key will provide a clue to the final keyword. As exemplified in the following slides, the challenges test a wide range of skills, from mental to collaborative, physical, and creative, successfully involving all participants

Each team must identify with the gathered keywords the Final Keyword Phrase to open the Vault.

Will your team be successful?