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Theatre for everyone
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Many talk, few communicate. Starting from this principle, we will do a series of exercises with a funny structure but serious substance.

This teambuilding program is based on the concept of “chance”. The scenario, presented at the beginning of the meeting, is a synopsis of a possible “chance events” from the life of several artists, a rehearsal where there is a theatre director and where a filming team from a television makes its appearance.

The concept uses and familiarizes participants with theatrical techniques of improvisation and acting. We present a draft scenario; the teams are invited to develop it based on their own creativity and imagination. The result will be a show, an opening night rehearsal of scenes from Shakespeare’s play “As You Like It”, rewritten by the participants.  In order to successfully stage the scenes, we will prepare the participants accordingly. They will learn how to control their breathing, how to be as expressive as possible in certain situations, we will practice diction. 

For spice and consistency, we have a proposal which may emphasize teamwork: the play thus redefined may be staged in a local theatre before an actual audience, maybe even with a humanitarian purpose.  


Developing acting, communication and creativity skills;

Developing the capacity to see things from a different perspective, to answer challenges by using one’s imagination and fantasy; 

Building interpersonal relations or improving the existing ones;

Participants will have the chance to have their own “minute of glory”.