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Time Machine
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In this business simulation, grounded in the powerful essence of collaboration, you will have the chance to wonder and create a better present by repairing past mistakes. Focus on the challenges ahead and strive to create a better future by tackling increasingly intense barriers to positively impact measurable indicators of the future.

In a challenging yet fun, intelligent, and dynamic simulation, participants will be divided into teams and sent to various periods in the past. They will face increasingly complex tasks designed to improve the measurable indicators of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). That contributes to improving the quality of life in the present. By correcting significant mistakes that have brought humanity to the brink of collapse, teams strive to transform the present. As time grows short and challenges persist, the only path to success lies in seeking help from those around them.

Achieved objectives:

•Increase in collaboration level, developed through demanding challenges;
•Observable teamwork through behaviour, leadership skills, and delegation;
•Testing specific skills in a professional environment;
•Collaborative work focusing on key performance indicators (KPIs);
•Creating interpersonal connections in a fun environment with elements of problem-solving and collaboration.
•Awareness of the SDGs.