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Conflict Management
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Conflicts are inevitable. They are part of our life and take place everywhere. They appear in all the places where people live, work and interact: at home, in public places, on the sports field, in traffic and, especially, at work.

Studies show that managers at all levels consume at least 20% of their time daily to resolve conflict situations, involving a wide variety of people: subordinates, colleagues, customers, suppliers.

More and more specialists consider conflict management to be a competence that must be found in all employees, not one that only managers have.

Without conflict there is no progress, but too much conflict kills progress. Are there constructive conflicts? How do we differentiate between constructive and destructive conflicts? How do we move from divergent positions to convergent actions?


Learn about sources of conflict

The 5 personal styles in conflict management: competitive, collaborative, avoidance, passive, concessive

Limitations and benefits of each style

Principles of cooperation