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This activity is meant to be fun and also to be suitable as the basis for a serious learning process. Our playful approach to a serious subject starts from the way of learning that has the participant at its center and aims to develop knowledge and skills following practical experiences.

Discussions based on the program are on the topic of communication, development and management of the team.

When you look beyond the engagement created by the activity you will notice a strong learning backbone. It is based on Experiential Learning and takes participants through the full learning cycle.

Every participant is a citizen of an ancient Roman city. There are a total of 7 cities in our empire. Participants will collaborate in order to expand their city and help the empire grow.  

As in real life, crises occur, and they have to manage them while keeping focused on the strategy they decided upon.


Developing communication skills in small and medium teams;

Learning how to work as a team in dealing with a common objective to accomplish;

Building strategic skills as resource allocation, team management and strategic planning; 

Introducing new members to the team and getting acquainted with their work style in practice.